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Legal Opinions: Why Do We Need Them?

A legal opinion, also known as a legal memorandum or legal advice, is a written document prepared by a lawyer or legal expert that provides analysis, interpretation, and advice on a specific legal...

Civil Battery vs Criminal Battery

Civil battery and criminal battery are two distinct legal concepts that pertain to different aspects of the law. The distinction between battery as a crime and battery as a civil suit is the type of...

Effective Use of AI in Law

Effective use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in law can improve efficiency, accuracy, and decision-making, ultimately enhancing the delivery of legal services to clients. However, it’s...

My belongings was seized because I was unable to deliver a job now the job has been delivered but my belongings he refused to return rather using them
On-Demand Legal Professionals
April 18, 2024 10:03 pm
If your belongings were seized because you were unable to deliver a job, and now that the job has been completed and delivered, but the person who seized your belongings refuses to return them and is using them instead, you may need to take legal action. Here are some steps you could consider: Contact the (more…)
If when married in Global, the date of birth on a birth certificate is incorrect, does that invalidate the marriage
On-Demand Legal Professionals
April 18, 2024 10:05 pm
If you’ve received a letter of demand regarding a partnership business that isn’t doing well and one partner is requesting repayment of the sum they invested, it’s important to handle the situation carefully. Here are some steps you can take to respond: Review the Partnership Agreement: Start by reviewing the partnership agreement, if one exists. (more…)

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