General Disclaimer
Lexdot Is Not A Law Firm is a technology platform or marketplace for legal services, and but NOT in the business of providing legal services. All references to “I”, “We”, “Us”, “Our”, “Lexdot”, “the platform” and the like should be read as referring to We provide the material on this web pages for service providers who are independent contractors. These independent contractors are FREE from the control and direction of Lexdot in connection with the performance of their services. The Website and its administration do not intend to create any contractual relationship with you and you should not assume such a relationship or act on any material from these pages s such.

Advertising & Guarantees
There is also no guarantee that the information included on this site is current, accurate, complete, useful, or reliable. We shall not be liable for any damage (including, without limitation, damage for loss of business or loss of profits) arising in contract, tort or otherwise from the use of, or inability to use, this site or any material contained in it, or from any action or decision taken as a result of using this site or any such material.
Copyright & Links
You may print any page or download it to a local hard disk for your personal use only.
In material issued to third parties, you may quote from this site so long as you give due accreditation.
You may provide a link (but not a framed link) to this site from any other business information or business service web site, but not (save with our prior written agreement) in any way which gives the impression that we are associated with or have approved such other site. Apart from this you may not reproduce or store any part of this site on any other web site without our prior consent.
The above consents do not authorize you to incorporate any part of this site in any commercial document or in any material sold or otherwise made available for profit without our prior consent.

Accuracy & Reliance
We seek to provide high quality professionals and information on this website and aim to make sure it is accurate and up to date. However, we assume no liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions contained within the website. Also, whilst we endeavour to ensure that this site is normally available 24 hours a day, we will not be liable if for any reason the site is unavailable at any time or for any period.
Conditions of Use
Compliance and Security
Every professional in our network is obligated to meet the highest ethical standards. Therefore, we have taken steps to demonstrate a commitment to our policies.
We do not recommend, refer or match providers. Prospects choose their provider based solely on their preferred criteria or providers’ proposals.
Fee splitting
We do not engage in fee-splitting or sharing. All client fees go to the professional. A minimal fee is charged for managing profile and promoting services.
We do not interfere or retain any fees in a way that will prevent providers from fulfilling their ethical duties to clients.
We facilitate online project management, but we do not guarantee the outcome of any gig or service.
Unauthorized practice
We do not promote any unauthorized practice of law. We take steps to verify providers.
We do not determine the scope, price or interfere with any provider’s professional judgment. All of our providers are independent contractors.